Sunday, October 30, 2011

Desperation Part II

I am about halfway through my Stephen King book, and it has taken an interesting turn.  It is not simply about an insane cop killing people.  In the town of Desperation, there is some primeval force at work, and God has made a deal with a young boy to stop it.  The boy, David, had a friend who was hit by a car, and the doctors claimed that the friend was brain dead.  There was absolutely no way the friend would ever wake up.  David goes to say good bye to his friend in the hospital.  After the hospital visit, David prays for his friend to get better.  God tells David that he will answer his prayer, but David owes him.  The next day the friend wakes up. David’s family ends up in Desperation and it’s quid pro quo.   It’s an interesting twist.  Stephen King is by no means a theologian but his views on God are very interesting.  While God is a loving God, he is also a cruel God.  While David seems to have the hand of God protecting him, his family is not immune.  David watches helplessly as his younger sister is murdered right in front of him.  The fact that be believes that God is cruel is actually a comfort to him in the times which he must do difficult tasks.  So far the body count if up to four.  I’m sure more people are going to die, but I’m really attached to the survivors.  I can’t wait to see what else Mr. King has in store for me!

Reading log Friday:  1 pm – 2 pm
Saturday:  9 pm – 10 pm

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