Sunday, November 27, 2011

False Memory Part I

I am continuing to read the Dean Koontz novel False Memory.  This is a strange book and is keeping what is really going on close to the chest.  There are some vague hints, but I'm sure that I'm going to be way off in my assessment (which I love!)  There are four people who seem intertwined in something devious (and one golden retriever). Only one seems unaffected by unusually behavior.  Susan has unexplained agoraphobia.  Martie is literally becoming scared of her own shadow and having strange fantasy about sharp objects.  Skeet goes into a strange trance.  Only Dave seems unaffected.  There is talk of a strange presence, and the golden retriever seems to react to something unseen.  My first guess is that these people have been hypnotized; however, Dean Koontz novels tend to travel into things a little more complex and imagnitive.  I look forward to finding out what is really going on.

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